Those interested in applying for the srd grant must meet the requirements as such that they must be a South African citizen, who have insufficient means, who do not receive social grants on their behalf of herself/ himself or who are not contributing to or eligible for UIF payment, and have no financial support from any other source.
Topic: Sassa Application for R350 Grant: How to Apply for SRD Grant including Bank Payments
How to Cancel Your SASSA Application for R350 Grant
Do People With Disability Qualify to Apply for the R350 Grant
How to Add Your Sassa Banking Details
How to Lodge an appeal against Your Sassa R350 disapproval
How to Apply for Sassa R350 Grant
How to Check and Understand My Sassa R350 Application Status after Submission
Do People With Disability Qualify to Apply for the R350 Grant
How do I Apply and Increase My Chances Of Getting Approved for R350 Grant
How to Add Your Sassa Banking Details
Can I appeal for R350 grant payments if I am disapproved?
How long will it take to receive a Sassa R350 appeal decision from the dsd?
How to Lodge an appeal against Your Sassa R350 disapproval
I applied for someone who was disapproved. Can I still apply for the r350grant for myself?
What Happens To My Pending Sassa Appeal For My Previous R350 Grant Application.
Why am I getting disapproved by SASSA for the R350 Grant all the time? What am I doing wrong?
Why Is My April SRD Pending Not Showing for My SASSA R350 Grant Application
How do I Apply and Increase My Chances Of Getting Approved for R350 Grant
How to Apply for Sassa R350 Grant
How to Check and Understand My Sassa R350 Application Status after Submission
How to Add Your Sassa Banking Details
Can I appeal for R350 grant payments if I am disapproved?
How long will it take to receive a Sassa R350 appeal decision from the dsd?
How to Lodge an appeal against Your Sassa R350 disapproval
I applied for someone who was disapproved. Can I still apply for the r350grant for myself?
How to Apply for Sassa R350 Grant
How to Check and Understand My Sassa R350 Application Status after Submission
What Happens To My Pending Sassa Appeal For My Previous R350 Grant Application.
Why am I getting disapproved by SASSA for the R350 Grant all the time? What am I doing wrong?
How do I avoid my Sassa r350 grant application being disapproved for Insufficient Means
Will the R350 grant deadline be extended again this year to 2024?
What are the Sassa R 350 Grant Application Requirements?
Can I still apply for the Sassa r350 grant if I don't have a cellphone currently?
If it's been more than 90 days since when I was disapproved, what do I do?
Do the answers I give to the questions when applying for a grant affect my approval or not?
How will I receive payment for the grant if I’m approved? Payments are made to the bank accounts of the beneficiary who has been approved. You will be required to add your bank account number and the R350 amount will be sent to that bank account.
What are the requirements to start the srd grant application process? Those interested in applying for the srd grant must meet the requirements as such that they must be a South African citizen, who have insufficient means, who do not receive social grants on their behalf of herself/ himself or who are not contributing to or eligible for UIF payment, and have no financial support from any other source.
The South African Social Security Agency was instituted as a way to give monetary assistance to the needy and vulnerable in society. It was to serve to also ease the living conditions of vulnerable groups in the country of South Africa.
In order to achieve the provision of comprehensive social security services to those identified, they went about instituting different types of social grants, social relief of distress and the delivery of social assistance grants by themselves.
In the year 2020, when covid spread and lockdowns were instituted. Many people were put in a position where they could barely afford the daily meals. As such through consultations, the covid relief grant of r350 was started. It’s currently open to all who qualify.
There are several who find themselves among those who were declined the relief grant. Declined applicants are to visit the main website to submit their appeal. In order to get a successful resolution to the appeal, applicants will need to check the information used in the application to be sure that it’s correct. The information can be checked on the appeal website page before they submit their appeal.
Once the information is correct and they are sure that their contact details are also correct and valid. They need to check the reason that was given for the disapproval. If they believe it does not apply to them or is incorrect, then an appeal must be submitted. You can only submit one appeal per disapproval received. Remember that only one sassa application can be submitted per individual at a time.
Applicants whose submission for the month was disapproved must remember to appeal through the DSD for reconsideration for that month in question unless they are satisfied with the reason for declination, before 30 days of the disapproval.
Each month’s declined status must be appealed equally if you disagree with the reason assigned by the sassa agency for that period. This means if you are declined for 4 months’ payments you will need to appeal for each of the 4 months for which you were declined. This must be done within 30 days of that month’s declined status showing on your dashboard on the website.
Once the submission has been done for new applicants, they must set their banking details to receive payments through their banks. It’s important to do everything right from the first time else receiving payments will become very difficult even if you are approved. Those who choose the cash-send option to receive payment will now be required to complete a facial verification before they can set the system to receive cash-send payments. Facial recognition being employed by them is done to reduce the number of fraudulent claims being made to the relief grant by people who don’t really need it.
Since this statement was made by President, they has not yet come out with a detailed process of how it will be done. Whether they will implement the extension by asking people to reapply just like they did in 2022 or they will just roll over those who have already been approved and keep making payments. The way forward is not yet clear from them as to what will be done. It’s expected that in the coming weeks, a format will be outlined by them soon.
Due to the enormous popularity and impact of the srd grant on the lives of several fellow South Africans, the President has extended the r350 grant by another 12 months and also increased the social grants payment amount to beneficiaries.
President Ramaphosa in his state of the nation address highlighted some key areas his government will focus on this year, key among them being providing funds to the agency to extend the srd which was set to end in March of this year by another 12 months set to expire then
Over 10 million South Africans have applied for the temporary relief grant every year that is extended. The budget made this year for the srd grant was R30 billion. This means that not everyone who applies for temporary relief will not get their payment processed on time.
This is what has led to more people getting approved but receiving no payment dates for several months. Some too are declined for not meeting all the requirements and conditions for the R350 grant.
There are several who find themselves among those who were declined the relief grant. Declined applicants are to visit the main website to submit their appeal. In order to get a successful resolution to the appeal, applicants will need to check the information used in the application to be sure that it’s correct. The information can be checked on the appeal website page before they submit their appeal.
Once the information is correct and they are sure that their contact details are also correct and valid. They need to check the reason that was given for the disapproval. If they believe it does not apply to them or is incorrect, then an appeal must be submitted. You can only submit one appeal per disapproval received. Remember that only one sassa application can be submitted per individual at a time.
Applicants whose submissions for the month was disapproved must remember to appeal through the DSD for reconsideration for that month in question unless they are satisfied with the reason for declination, before 30 days of the disapproval.
Each month’s declined status must be appealed equally if you disagree with the reason assigned by the sassa agency for that period. This means if you are declined for 4 months’ payments you will need to appeal for each of the 4 months for which you were declined. This must be done within 30 days of that month’s declined status showing on your dashboard on the website.
Once the submission has been done for new applicants, they must set their banking details to receive payments through their banks. It’s important to do everything right from the first time else receiving payments will become very difficult even if you are approved. Those who choose the cash-send option to receive payment will now be required to complete a facial verification before they can set the system to receive cash-send payments. Facial recognition being employed by sassa is done to reduce the number of fraudulent claims being made to the relief grant by people who don’t really need it.
The channels for the relief grant application have remained largely the same since the srd grant inception. Interested applicants are required to use any of these 3, namely: srd website, whatsapp or govchat. The whatsapp and govchat will lead the applicant back to the sassa srd website for them to complete their applications and submit them.
As a South African with a South African 13-digit ID number or green book, you can apply as long as you meet the requirements. The requirements are that you first have been between the ages of 18 and 60 years, have insufficient means ( receive less than R350 in your accounts), and must not also be getting any social grants paid to themselves for themselves (if you’re receiving on behalf of someone eg: caregiver you do qualify to apply) and also not get any money from anywhere at all.
On this new page, scroll down to the Update your application section and select the button. Enter your ID card number and cellphone number to receive a 6-digit otp. enter the otp and click verify pin. From here follow the instructions to edit which part of your application you wish to.
If you want to apply again after you have been declined, then just wait till the next month or 30 days after your disapproval and go to the srd website. Select the id card holders option at the bottom of the page and then choose to apply online anew.
If that is rejected for having a pending application, then visit the update application option to update your answers to the screening questions asked. Your answers are often the reason for your disapproval.
The reapplication opening time for the relief grant has not been officially announced yet by the agency. However, most news sources anticipate that it will be from April 2023. The new applications and reapplications window will be open by then.
During the last reapplication window in April 2022, they requested all existing relief grant beneficiaries to reapply and reconfirm within a 2-week timeline. This year it’s not expected to be done in a rush. There will be no need for reconfirmations from beneficiaries according to the agency.
Changing your cellphone number for most people is necessary when they realise that they are not receiving the 6-digit OTP that it sends to verify the authenticity of the applicant. It doesn’t take long to change your mobile phone number with them.