Once you have added your bank account details and submitted it to Sassa, you will have to wait patiently to know if you have been approved.
Follow the following steps to check if your bank details have been verified and approved.
- Visit the website https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sbd/
- Enter your ID number that was used to submit the application
- An SMS notification message sent to your phone number
- Click on the link inside the SMS
- Click on the Current Payment Option
- Check the verification tab, either verified or pending.
- If verified, then all approved applications with pay dates will be paid at the said date.
- If pending, then you have to wait until your bank account is verified.
click here to change banking details via srd.sassa.gov.zaclick here to add banking details via srd.sassa.gov.zaclick here to update banking details via srd.sassa.gov.zaclick here to check srd.sassa.gov.za banking details status